tisdag, mars 28, 2017

Från Albanien

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

It is with great pleasure that we would like to inform you hereby about the seminar had with pastor Hakan Sunnliden in Tirana, organized in our church on March 24 -25. This was the 10th seminar arranged, in the chain of seminars led by our pastor Jorgen Boytler and pastor Klas Lindberg, starting from year 2013.

Friday evening we celebrated Holy Communion in a service that was really blessed, to be followed Saturday by the seminar with leaders and potential leaders from the five different areas where we work: Bathore, Elbasan, Burrel, Pogradec and Tirana. Teachings were led by Hakan Sunnliden; the main purpose was to know and understand how the Word of God builds fellowship and how we can be equipped with practices to be used in our groups in the long run. The seminar was blessed; people felt engaged, motivated and encouraged to go back to their working areas and share what they have learned with their children, youth and adults. We shared meals together in the church and had the opportunity to have informal talks during the breaks.

We as staff and leaders would like to express hereby special thanks to Hakan Sunnliden for the time spent with us and for their big heart for the work in Albania.

1 kommentar:

  1. Anonym10:49 em

    Du gör uppenbarligen en stor och viktig insats i Albanien! Vad jag förstår är det ett land med mycket lång kristen historia, det var väl bysantiskt kristet fram till osmanernas erövring efter Konstantinopels fall.

    Jonas M
